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125g Gunpowder Green China Tea, Loose Leaf, Temple of Heaven Brand


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Brand: Temple of Heaven


  • A full flavoured gunpowder green tea presented in tight rolled tea balls.
  • A smooth drinking tea and very refreshing. A great value tea for the quality.
  • Tasting notes: wood smoke over fresh green leaf,
  • hints of nuttiness with a spicy finish.
  • A great everyday breakfast tea; strong and satisfying.

Package Dimensions: 68x72x150

Details: Description

Product description

A strong and versatile China Green tea. Try adding fresh mint leaves when brewing; the flavour is robust enough to balance a mint infusion, or chill and add a slice of lemon to make iced tea. Each serving can be re-steeped up to 5 times. Lower in caffeine than black tea or coffee, green tea is a sustainable all day pick-me-up. It is also believed to have many health benefits including lowering cholesterol, burning fat, detoxifying the body and improving the complexion.


Green tea 100%


To brew the tea, place the loose leaves in a tea infuser or teapot with a built-in infuser. Heat water to the appropriate temperature (around 160-180°F or 70-80°C for green tea). Add the hot water to the tea infuser or teapot and let it steep for the recommended time (around 2-3 minutes for green tea). The tea can be re-steeped up to 5 times. For added flavor, consider adding fresh mint leaves or a slice of lemon when brewing.

125g Gunpowder Green China Tea...



3164 N Delaware Rd Milan, Indiana(IN), 47031


Hotline: +(84) 2500 888 33


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