Package Dimensions: 89x183x400
Details: Description
Product description
A fine quality authentic China Oolong loose tea in a decorative foil-lined cardboard caddy. Oolong is a traditional Chinese tea produced through a unique process including withering the plant under the strong sun and oxidation before curling and twisting. The leaves are then ‘wrap-curled’ into small beads, each with a tail, style traditional in China. The end result is a tea which combines the rich flavours of black with the fresh taste of green tea. Use one teaspoon of tea per cup and brew in a cold vessel with fresh boiled water for 2-3 minutes. A tea of this quality can be re-brewed giving a lighter taste and less caffeine with each brew.
green tea
add fresh boiled water to one teaspoon of tea per serving and brew for 2 minutes.